February 11, 2004
Black History Month Celebration at Edward Waters College, 1658 Kings Road, Jacksonville, FL.
Holly recited poetry during this chapel service at her mother’s alma mater.

April 15-17, 2004
Diary of a Baby Diva, 9th & Main Theater, Henrietta’s, 1850 N Main Street, Jacksonville, FL.
Holly wrote and performed this one-woman show, with direction by Barbara Colaciello-Williams.

September 3-4, 2004
Diary of a Baby Diva, 9th & Main Theater, Henrietta’s, 1850 N Main Street, Jacksonville, FL.
Holly reprised her one woman show in a double bill featuring Al Letson performing his sol theater work, Essential Personnel.

September 16-17, 2004
Third Annual SINGLE FILE: A festival of Solo Performance, 2936 N Southport, Chicago, IL.
Holly wrote and performed her one-woman show Diary of a Baby Diva, directed by Barbara Colaciello-Williams.