January 9, 1995
Jazz and Poetry Intertwined in Fusion and Freestyle, Hosted by Toni Asante Lightfoot, Takoma Station, 6914 4th Street NW, Washington, D.C.
Holly performed with Joel Dias-Porter (DJ Renegade), Ben T. Richardson, Nasser Abdul, and Sendy Murry.

January 13, 1995
SHE:  Poetry & Prose, Howard University Blackburn Center, 2225 Georgia Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.

January 18 - February 24, 1995
Visions and Voices: Sisters from the Sun Exhibition, Baltimore International Culinary College Gallery, Baltimore, MD.
The exhibit featured a multimedia presentation of the black woman’s experience in America.  Other artists included Yvette Aldrich, Tracey Beale, Kenya Brown, Catrice Greer, Juanita Jackson, Nicole Love, Maggie, Verta Maloney, Sheila McFarland, Nzinga, Kim Remekie, Stephanie Renee, Monique St. Lawrence, Jaki - Terry, Lolita Brailey, Alexeis Bryant, K’Nubia Cunningham, Joanne “mimi” Douglas, Terrie Naila Ford, Tonya Gregg, Camille Gustus, Lauren Kelley, Gloria Mack, Sheila McFarland, Jennifer McGill, Tamara Payne, and Elizabeth Wold.

February 22, 1995
Poetry: Sisters from the Sun Closing Celebration, Baltimore International Culinary College Gallery, Baltimore, MD.
Holly performed with Ras Chris, Mimi & the James Watley Trio, Chezia Thompson, Stephanie Renee, Karsonya Wise, Verta Maloney, and Yvette Aldrich.

February 25, 1995
New Voices/New Visions, A Black History Poetry Celebration, Washington, D.C.
Holly performed poetry with Laurie Tsang, Brandon Johnson, Cleon Yapphet Brinson, and Tim “4” Wells.

February 25, 1995
Sista Sista, MoBlack, 29 Kings Court Alley SE, Washington, D.C.
Holly performed poetry with Toni Blackman and Karsonya Wise.

December 8, 1995 - January 7, 1996
Hostile Witness: Taking the Methods of Media & Surveillance into Your Own Hands, White Box Gallery, Washington, D.C.
Holly performed poetry as a part of Diasphora.  Other artists included Mark Bennett, Mary Billyou, Tina Buker, Kenny Carroll, Cynthia Connolly, Erica Doyle, ECO-MEDIA, Sherman Fleming, Danny Goodwin, Lawley Paisley-Jones, Karma Johnson, Sophie Molin, Peter Quinn, Jamie Panzer, Shailish Thakor, Constantine Roumel, James Schneider, Lila Snow, Sylvana Straw, SLON, Michael Udris, and Sue Anne Zollinger.


National Rainbow Coalition Annual Women’s Luncheon, “Sisters in the Struggle:  A Tribute to Outstanding Women,” Atlanta, GA
Holly was commissioned to write and perform a poem in tribute to the keynote speaker, Dr. Maya Angelou. Awards were presented to Ada Deer (US Dept of Interior), Delores Huerta (United Farm Workers of America), Patricia Ireland (NOW) and Rev. Barbara King